10 Times Summer Camp Made You a Better Team Player


1. When your friend was missing home and you helped them feel better

Missing home is totally natural, and a common part of camp life. Everyone feels that way at some point — even the counselors! Summer campers quickly learn that the best medicine is a good friend to remind you of how much fun you’ve been having, and how much more fun is in store for the days to come. In fact, once you get home you’ll probably start missing camp and all your new friends!


2. When the flashlight went out and you faced your fear of the dark

Sleeping in cabins, tents, or even under the stars is one of the most exciting things about camp, but when you’re scared of the dark it’s also a big challenge. Fortunately, you’ve always got your camp friends around to help you face your fears. Once you’re comfortable with the dark, you get to see the stars, hear the hoot of owls, and enjoy all the excitement that comes with a night out in nature.


3. When they packed something healthy for lunch, but you were so hungry you ate it anyway

Picky eating isn’t a great option when you’ve been out working up a sweat in the sun all morning, and summer campers quickly learn that any food is good food — especially when you’re worn out and hungry! Adventurous eating is one of many ways that campers learn to embrace new challenges.


4. When your team came in second at ultimate frisbee and you showed them that good sportsmanship is more important than winning

Team sports are fun for everyone, but there are always a few players who get a little upset if their team doesn’t come out on top each round. Luckily you were ready to be a good sport and have fun no matter what, because summer camp means playing games all day long — and if somebody gets upset every time their team comes in second, they wind up spending half the day being upset over nothing.


5. When your friend dropped their marshmallow and you gave them yours

Do you know that sinking feeling when your marshmallow is practically perfect and suddenly gets just soft enough to droop and fall off your stick? That’s the worst! As a summer camper you’re always ready to step in and save the day, even if it means sacrificing a tasty treat for the sake of cheering up a friend. Now that’s teamwork.


6. When everyone wanted to play Freeze Tag and you joined in even though you’d rather play Soccer

Playing well with others means you don’t always get your way, and summer camp taught you how to have fun even if it’s not time for your favorite activity. After all, you may be a pro climber, but chances are you’ll miss out on a lot of fun if you spend the whole day climbing over and over again. For summer campers, variety is truly the spice of life.


7. When you climbed to the top of the climbing wall even though you were secretly terrified

Whether you’re rappelling, climbing, or just putting on those water skis, camp activities are bound to push you out of your comfort zone. Are you ready to face your fears? The adrenaline rush of zooming down the zip-line may feel great, but you know what feels better? Knowing that you were brave enough to jump off the platform all by yourself.


8. When your team was lagging behind and you volunteered to be the fearless leader

Part of being a good team player is knowing when it’s your turn to step up to the plate and provide leadership for your group. Remember when the group was scattered and no one knew what to do, and you suggested a strategy that brought your team back into the game? Leadership can be that simple, even for the shyest of campers.


9. When your friend had to visit the nurse and you went with them to keep up their spirits

Nobody wants to be a fair-weather friend. Sometimes a bruised knee or wood splinter sends your friend to the nurse, and the question is: do you keep playing the game, or go with them so they don’t feel alone? Summer campers are always the friends that stick by you even when the going gets rough.

10. When you went home appreciating your family more than ever

Family is the most important team of all. Camp was amazing and you’ll never forget your new friends and all the fun experiences you’ve had this summer, but boy did you miss your family. Leaving camp is bittersweet, but spending time away from the familiar life of home and school sure reminds you how special it is. Who ever guessed you could miss going to school?