Etiqueta: American summer camp

‘Twas the Night before Camp

‘Twas the night before camp and all through the land, The day many had awaited for months was at hand. The bags were all packed and sent off to camp, The envelopes and stationary pre-addressed and stamped. Of their new campers the counselors wondered, Of how awesome it will be to meet them, they pondered…. Leer más »

The American Camp Experience

There are very few things our children can so enjoy and that teaches them as much as the American camp experience. So Much Fun At America’s Finest Summer Camps, we strive to introduce our campers to fun activities they’ve never tried. Not many of our campers get to enjoy waterskiing or fishing or hiking or… Leer más »

Environmentally Friendly Noise

Whether you’re a new or returning staff member who is preparing to work at camp this summer, the decibel level of those first few days at camp are always a bit above what you anticipate. Of course, we hear noise every day.  But camp noise is different than other noise. A camp staff member once… Leer más »

Not Your Mom and Dad’s Arts and Crafts

Summer camp arts and crafts programs often conjure images of beading lanyards and tie dying. Indeed, crafts are still a large part of camp, but art is becoming equally as important. That is to say that camps are investing more in open ended mediums that encourage campers to use their creativity to create works of… Leer más »


STEM 是一个热门词–或者,更贴切地说,是一个缩写–流传使用在教育圈,可也许不是人们期望会从夏令营领域圈子中听到。STEM代表了科学(Science),科技(Technology),工程(Engineering)和数学 (Math),教育者们越来越要让学生们增加接触的四门课目,而夏令营如今也在想这么做。根据美国 夏令营协会(American Camp Association),STEM相关的活动在过去5年一直是最受欢迎的夏令营活动新增项目之一,而且有很好的理由。夏令营为宿营者们提供了一个另外的场地,用有乐趣的方式来学习。替换掉教室,取代的是户外,或专门用于个人培训而设计的场地设施,大幅度减少了班级大小,可以让宿营者通过相关的夏令营活动,在探索STEM的各领域采用更精细的,和动手的方式。根据《纽约每日新闻》 报(New York Daily News),在夏令营尤为受欢迎的纽约,平均班级大小是25个学生。一些学校的班级超过了30个学生。STEM相关的夏令营计划,例如,“自然”(Nature)、“火箭”(Rocketry)和“无线电”(Radio)通常每个活动时间段最多不超过12位宿营者。STEM相关的宿营计划越来越显示出是受到了宿营者们最大的欢迎。那么为什么孩子们踊跃报名参加教育的偏门计划?有一些可能的原因。 首先,夏令营提供了一个非正式、放松的环境。没有家庭作业。没有课程表。没有教课。没有规定完成时间。没有考试。 完全是一个“根据您感到舒适的水平参加”的环境。鼓励所有宿营者们在夏季参与至少一次STEM有关的活动。“自愿参加”的方式还让宿营者选择如何关注自己的兴趣。辅导员通常是他们所领队地区的大学生或教授,扮演的是辅助者。他们是在那里鼓励帮助宿营者们,另宿营者们的努力放在一次STEM相关活动的自己想要发展的某一个方面。 其次,夏令营的真正目的就是让宿营者玩得开心。所以不用说了,对营地活动的设计强调了乐趣,即便和上学时学生一般不太有热情的学科相关的活动也一样有趣。从那方面说,在“过夜”的夏令营进行的辅助教育活动不是为了与学生上课时的学习进行竞争或替换它,而是为了强化。

The Social Network–Summer Camp Style!

Our guest blog this week is courtesy of Patrick at Camp Starlight… If most Camp Starlight campers were asked to close their eyes and think about camp, their minds would be flooded with memories of times in the bunk, at campfires with their friends, winning a Wayne County game, or shaking their napkin in the dining hall…. Leer más »