Etiqueta: camp staff

Working at Camp as a Resume Builder

After working a summer at sleepaway camp, it is hard to summarize the vast amount of experience gained in just a few weeks. Over the course of one summer, you are presented with challenges, lessons, an increased set of skills, and numerous other benefits. When you think of a summer spent working at sleepaway camp,… Leer más »

Camp Laurel: The All-Encompassing Specialty Camp

As a parent or potential staff member looking at camps, one of the first questions always asked is: “what activity do you specialize in?”. This should be a straight forward answer.  But for Camp Laurel, it’s not that simple. How do you convey that you “specialize” in everything? From Athletics to InterArts to Waterfront, Laurel… Leer más »

Camp Laurel

There are many camps across the United States with various program concentrations, but Camp Laurel stands out among these camps. Combining a family atmosphere with world-class programming and facilities, Camp Laurel is truly one of a kind. Campers receive unparalleled instruction in Athletics, Tennis, Watersports, Arts, Outdoor Adventure and Equestrian from our talented staff who… Leer más »

Why Working at a Camp Makes You a Better Leader

A lot of people wonder how so many counselors return to camp every year. The answer lies in how summer camp helps counselors, whether it’s their first summer of their fifth, become better leaders when they work here. Working all summer long with campers is a challenge, but Camp really provides the guidance and support… Leer más »

Simple Kindness as a Standard

When I walk around campus I’m surrounded by inspiration and I’m always surprised when more often than not inspiration walks straight up to me. Taking a second to myself to appreciate the sweeping valley of trees, shades of light to dark green portray a gradient of texturized forests. It’s like looking at a landscape painting… Leer más »

What I learned from playing sports at camp

I wish you could have seen my face the first day of summer camp; my excitement was so contagious I was worried the nurse would put me in quarantine. That being said, my excitement had nothing to do with sports. So far as I was concerned, sports were just another stressful school activity, and to… Leer más »

The Staff at America’s Finest Summer Camps

Everyone has that one teacher, babysitter, neighbor, family friend or other adult influence that has made a lasting impression on their lives; a person they credit with shaping and molding the person they’ve become. When you become a camp counselor, you become this and so much more to hundreds of children every year. A camp… Leer más »

So Now What?

After the initial feelings of elation that come from having completed their first summer at camp, many first year counselors are left wondering what comes next. For some, the choice to return to camp (or not) is an obvious one. For others, there are many factors involved, impending college graduations or internships, the prospect of… Leer más »

Camp Influences

In their book True North, Bill George and Peter Sims challenge readers to examine the qualities and influences that have made them great leaders through a series of motivational chapters complemented by interactive surveys. In the survey that follows the first chapter, readers are asked: “During your early years, which people had the greatest impact… Leer más »

I Never Thought I Would…

It’s interesting how many times throughout the summer counselors are overheard beginning a sentence with the phrase ‘I never thought I would…’ Working at sleepaway camp is truly a collection of ‘I never thought I would…’ moments. All too often, those are also the remarks that speak for camp itself, because they’re epiphanies from the… Leer más »