International Campers at America’s Finest Summer Camps

One of the great things about summer camp is having the chance for kids to meet other kids who they would have never met at their local school or in their neighborhood. Spending the summer with people from all different cultures is a learning experience in which everyone can benefit.

America’s Finest Summer Camps welcomes campers from all over the world, and has been lucky enough to meet some incredible campers from France, Korea, China, Spain, England, and many other far-away countries. International campers are a big deal at America’s Finest Summer Camps because having them there gives all of the kids a chance to learn about other cultures. The American campers get a chance to learn first hand about how people live in other parts of the world, and put to rest many of the stereotypes they may have about people from different parts of the world. The international camper benefits from being immersed in American culture for the summer, and will quickly learn about the language and customs by being surrounded by it day in and day out.

America’s Finest Summer Camps are staffed with a very diverse group of people, who are fluent in many different languages. Campers that come from a place where most of the people around them look, speak and believe the same things they do are in for an eye opening experience when they meet incredible people from all different walks of life. Introducing campers to new cultures at an early age sets them up to be open minded, non judgmental and accepting adults, and everyone can agree we need more people like that in the world!

International campers who make the brave step to spend the summer in an American summer camp will not be disappointed in their summer experience. They will feel included from the get go, and camp staff will go above and beyond to make sure they have a great time and can get involved as much as they want to. If the camping experience is an attempt to get them acclimated into American culture before they move here permanently, there is no better way to do that. Putting them in an environment where everyone is new, everyone is different and everyone is adjusting to a new way of life evens the playing field and makes the transition a lot easier.

Everyone wins when international campers come to camp. It is a learning experience, and a way for kids to make friends with people they probably would have never met had they not spent the summer at camp.