Camp Laurel

Forever Changing, Exactly the Same
Camp meets campers exactly where they are. It has a unique way of providing campers with exactly what they need, sometimes before the campers even know they need it. Camp Laurel has a way of being the perfect combination of excitement and relaxation and has been that way for over 60 years.
Over time, a lot has changed at camp, but more has stayed the same. Camp always transforms to meet the needs of the campers who come each year. The style of bathing suits may have changed, but the memories created in the lakes stay the same. The cabins may have been without porches then, but the stories and late night conversations inside of them were as special then as they are now. The feeling that Laurel gives campers throughout the summer never changes.
If campers from last summer were to sit down with campers from 20 years ago, they would have a lot in common. They could trade stories about competing in College Days and bust out lyrics to some of Laurel’s most popular songs. Campers from both eras would be able to reminisce about the delicious camp food, the campfires and all of the different sports and activities that filled their days. Even though a lot of time has passed, campers from 20 years ago would recognize camp as a place where they felt cared about, understood and accepted. Campers from last summer would be able to talk about new activities, updated cabins and facilities, but would be familiar with the feeling of acceptance and encouragement that is the foundation of Camp Laurel.

Camp must have a sense of flexibility and growth to cater to new campers while holding on to its foundational values and traditions. Camp Laurel is constantly changing and improving, but will always be committed to being a place of friendships, fun and life-long learning.