Tag: summer camp traditions


参与美国最好夏令营可能是您小孩的一次有趣体验,夏令营不但提供多种活动,而且更让儿童学习生活的各方面。夏令营是儿童的一个独有体验。 充满乐趣的地方 夏令营可以遇到不同学校,同州或不同州的学龄儿童,而且夏令营提供课外活动,运动,远足,游泳,烹饪和其他具教育意义的活动,是个充满乐趣的地方。它更是个让孩子们学会共同生活并且需要相互合作完成不同任务的地方。在一个小小的营地,很多与活动有关的事情会发生。 夏令营每天都是新的一天,需要学习新事物。孩子们会结识新朋友,并就不同主题分享意见,是个很好的学习过程,同时有助激发他们的个人潜能,以完成不同任务。 团队合作 跟学校环境不同,夏令营让孩子们以合作的形式进行活动,他们被教导需要团队合作而非个别行动,这对孩子们是一个有用的经验,学习团队合作在生活中的重要性。 多样化环境 来自不同地区的小孩会定期参与夏令营。美国最好的夏令营也会接受海外儿童参与,当中有来自拉丁美洲,欧洲及亚洲等不同地方的孩子。如此多样化的环境可确保参与者获得独特的学习体验。 他们有不同经验,可为营地带来不同技能和知识 – 有些擅长运动,有些喜欢远足,有些喜欢生火,而其他则可为新活动提供建议每个小孩都会为营地提供独特的东西,与其他学生分享想法和技能,使夏令营成为所有参与儿童的理想学习体验。 户外营参与者要学会在统一的环境中共存。孩子们天真无邪,他们不会被种族主义和偏见等负面因素冲昏头脑。相反,营地管理团队会教导他们相互合作。当他们分享和合作时,他们会学到生活的道德品质,从而影响他们的未来。夏令营的主要目的不仅是让学龄儿童相互认识,而是为生活做好准备,让他们可利用简单事情来实现伟大目标。不论是攀绳,生火,烹饪或爬山,夏令营是教会孩子们重视生命的宝贵一课,在营地所作的决定可锻炼他们成为未来的生活领导者。

4 Tips For The Perfect Cannonball

Things every camper should bring to camp to ensure an amazing summer: Extra underwear Bathing suit This classified, top secret, limited edition guide to doing the perfect cannonball. As the summer temperatures peak, most campers find themselves lounging around the beautiful swimming pools available at some of America’s Finest Summer Camps, or splashing the day… 阅读更多»

A Camper Reflects on the Day before Camp Begins

Over the past several days, all of America’s Summer Camps welcomed their campers and the summer is officially underway.  For our guest blog this week, however, we wanted to share a blog submitted by one of the campers at Camp Starlight, who reflected on what campers feel the day before camp. I am nearing the… 阅读更多»

The “Special” Experience of Summer Camp

Actress Jami Gertz, a summer camp alumni, once said, “There is something very special about being away from your parents for the first time, sleeping under the stars, hiking and canoeing.”  Although on the outset this seems like just another quote about summer camp, the use of the word “special” makes it standout.  “Special” is… 阅读更多»

A Former Camper and Counselor on the Value of Summer Camp

In our guest blog this week, former Camp Weequahic camper and counselor Steve S. reflects on how his camp experiences have added value to his life. I have been a part of the Camp Weequahic family for 13 years, as a camper from 1995 until 2002, and as a counselor from 2003 until 2007.  These… 阅读更多»

Learning the Value of Tradition at Camp

The holidays are around the corner.  During that time of year, the word “tradition” gets thrown around a lot.  But how many people actually understand what tradition is really?  Perhaps it’s the emphasis on forward thinking and constantly in-motion global community that has caused many to confuse “tradition” with “routine.”  They’ve both become something that… 阅读更多»

One of the Most Memorable Summer Camp Activities

Most traditional  summer camps are in the thick of one of the biggest parts of their summer program.  In fact, the event itself is nearly as big of a tradition in and of itself as the concept of summer camp.  It’s what everyone sees on movies or television shows about sleepaway camp and wants to… 阅读更多»

The Fun Doesn’t Stop after 5PM!

It’s January.  The kids just returned to school after their winter break, from which you’re still exhausted.  You’re already thinking about summer.  Entertaining them for two weeks was hard enough, let alone two months!  Maybe it’s time to start thinking about summer camp.  Yes, it’s January.  Yes, this is the time of the year when… 阅读更多»

We at Summer Camp are Thankful for…

Every year around this time we pause to reflect on those aspects of our lives about which we are most thankful.  To celebrate this turkey day, we thought we’d share what makes us most thankful for summer camp: Our camp families: Without our campers, there would be no summer camp.  We’re thankful you value your… 阅读更多»

It’s a Camp Thing

If you have children who attend sleepaway camp, work at a sleepaway camp, or know anyone who attends or works at a sleepaway camp, chances are that you’ve heard this at least once in your life: “It’s a camp thing.”  For those of you wondering what that means, here’s an exclusive look inside the world… 阅读更多»