It is often stated that if you love your job then you’re never really working. A smile is usually accompanied with this statement if you realize that you are one of these lucky people fortunate to earn a living by doing what they are passionate about. At, every single staff member feels this way, they… 続きを読む »
Tag: working at summer camp
How Camp Helped Me Live A Balanced Life

Before I went to camp, if you were to ask the adults in my life to describe me in one word, they would probably say “focused” or “disciplined” or “passionate.” This would be their nice way of saying I focus on one thing and one thing only, my grades. Now of course this makes my… 続きを読む »
La colonie de vacances a changé mon enfant
J’étais à la fois stressée et excitée d’envoyer mon fils Connor cet été dans une des meilleures colonies de vacances des Etats-Unis. Le meilleur ami de Connor était allé en colonie de vacances l’été d’avant et n’arrêtait pas d’en chanter les louanges. Alors après de nombreuses recherches et discussions, nous avons décidé de laisser Connor… 続きを読む »
What I learned about friendship from the social life at camp
You know that “first day of school” feeling? I’m sure you do. Some people love it while others may find it a little scary. The chance to explore a new place, try new things, and make new friends can be simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying. How about that “first day of camp” feeling? I’m going to… 続きを読む »
What I learned from playing sports at camp
I wish you could have seen my face the first day of summer camp; my excitement was so contagious I was worried the nurse would put me in quarantine. That being said, my excitement had nothing to do with sports. So far as I was concerned, sports were just another stressful school activity, and to… 続きを読む »
Go Back to Camp!
My friends have stopped asking me what my summer plans are. They’ve stopped inviting me to beach trips and concerts and road trips. Not because they don’t like me anymore, but because they know that there is only place I want to spend my summers: America’s Finest Summer Camps. They know that all year I… 続きを読む »
Camp crafts: keeping the arts alive
Summer camp isn’t just about campfires and sports and jumping in the lake: we’re happy to report that the arts are alive and well at Camp Starlight! From fine art to ceramics to theater, there are activities and specialty resources available for practically anything a creative spirit could dream of. Art offers variety Camp is… 続きを読む »
Why outdoor adventure skills are important
As a camp counselor, I’ve always been surprised by the wide range of lessons that campers take away from the outdoor adventure activities at camp. Some campers benefit most from building a sense of self-reliance and resourcefulness. Others particularly enjoy the non-competitive aspects of the activities, which combine the adrenaline of sports with the positivity… 続きを読む »
What I Learned From My Campers
When I arrived at America’s Finest Summer Camps as a counselor this past summer, I knew exactly how I wanted every camper to feel. I was on high alert for the shy ones, the scared ones, the nervous ones. I was looking for the nail biters and the ones with the look of “wow this… 続きを読む »
Camp Changed My Kid
I was nervous and excited to send my son Connor to one of America’s Finest Summer Camps this year. Connor’s best friend attended camp the summer before and could not stop raving about it. So after plenty of research and discussions, we decided to let Connor spend the summer away. I won’t lie, my “mommy… 続きを読む »