Tag: America’s finest summer camps

Re-asserting the “Team” in Team Sports

Whether your family lives in a large city or a small town, there is likely not a shortage of organized sports  for children. Increasingly, the emphasis of team sports is less about what it means to be a member of a team and more about being the MVP of a winning team.   As a result,… 阅读更多»

An International Staff Member Reflects on Working at Summer Camp

A couple of weeks ago, an American Camp staff member reflected on his camp experience.  This week, we’d like to share the sentiments of an international staff member: “An average camp is considered to be successful if the kids come home safe at the end of the summer and had fun. Camp is about so… 阅读更多»

Working at Summer Camp is Like…Watching YouTube

Have you ever done this?  Gone to YouTube in search of a specific video, you know exactly what you want and why you want it—or so you think.  After you find it, you are drawn to the videos on the sidebar.  You’re intrigued by some of them and begin clicking through to them.  Some of… 阅读更多»

Camp Senses

The unseasonably warm and pleasant weather seems to be bringing on summer faster.  The flowers are blooming, the birds are back, and the days are sunny. It’s hard not to take advantage of the opportunity to prematurely engage in all of one’s favorite summer activities a little bit.  The other day, my sisters and I… 阅读更多»

A Camp Staff Member Reflects on His Weequahic Experience

A Camp Weequahic staff member reflects on why he loves Weequahic and working at camp in the guest blog this week: Hi everyone.  My name is Chad Razey and I’m 22 years old and attend the University of Georgia. Go Dawgs! I will graduate in May of 2012 and look to continue my education at… 阅读更多»

Looking at a Summer Camp but Can’t Come to Us? We’ll Come to You!

Starting about now and over the next couple of months, it seems that advertisements for summer camp fairs are everywhere you look.  Though many families begin researching summer camp in late fall or early winter (or some as early as the summer before), as soon as the snow starts to melt, they realize how close… 阅读更多»

Ora è il momento di iniziare a scegliere un campo estivo

Non è troppo presto per cominciare a pensare a mandare i figli al campo estivo la prossima estate. Non vi è certamente carenza di campi estivi americani e trovare quella giusta per i vostri bambini è essenziale per il loro successo lì. C’è molto a cui pensare, il che rende il momento giusto per cominciare… 阅读更多»

Who Works at Summer Camp?

Spring is just around the corner and summer will be here before you know it, which makes now the time to start thinking about how you’re going to spend your summer.  If you’re a college student, you could toil away as a server or cook at the local pizza joint or operate rides or peddle… 阅读更多»

The Joy of Quiet

The guest blog this week is courtesy of Camp Laurel: A recent New York Times story calmly – but strongly — extolled “the joy of quiet.” Essayist Pico Iyer noted that the average American teenager sends or receives 75 text messages a day. (Parents, don’t shake your heads: The average office worker spends no more… 阅读更多»

What’s in a Summer Camp Meal?

Continuing with our series about camp nutrition, in this blog we will address one of the most common inquiries made by parents who are considering sending their children to summer camp:  What will they eat? While the food itself may vary from camp to camp, the strategy behind menu planning is inevitably the same—to provide… 阅读更多»