Tag: sleepaway camp

Eagerly Awaiting the Arrival of Campers!

In just a few short days, campers will arrive at each of America’s Finest Summer Camps in droves.  But summer camp campuses all over the country have already been populated by someone else for the past several days: staff.  Working with children 24/7 requires more preparation than simply showing up ready to work and being… 阅读更多»

Summer Camp: A Place for Exploration

Adventure, tradition, fun, and nature are all words that come to mind when one mentions “summer camp.”  One word that doesn’t instantly come to mind, however, is “exploration.” Summer camp is an exercise in exploration. There is, of course, literal exploration.  Traditional summer camps are primarily located in rural areas, away from the city and… 阅读更多»

The “Special” Experience of Summer Camp

Actress Jami Gertz, a summer camp alumni, once said, “There is something very special about being away from your parents for the first time, sleeping under the stars, hiking and canoeing.”  Although on the outset this seems like just another quote about summer camp, the use of the word “special” makes it standout.  “Special” is… 阅读更多»

5 Tips for First Time Counselors

You’ve accepted the position and completed the paperwork.  It’s official!  You’re about to spend your first summer as a camp counselor.  Naturally, a lot of people experience a few nerves in the days leading up to camp.  After all, even when you’re a grown adult, leaving behind your family and friends to spend the summer… 阅读更多»

Camp: Independence, Excitement, Fun…and Even Some Nerves

The guest blog this week is from Camp Laurel South and addresses a very relevant subject with camp growing nearer: Nerves. It’s that time of year. Departure for camp draws ever closer. Excitement builds in the household. And for a first-time camp parent, anxiety is normal. It’s natural to worry about missing your child. Just… 阅读更多»

Eye on the Bullseye

As long as there has been summer camp, archery has been a part of it.  Although the amount of available activities at summer camp has grown immensely since the early days of camp, archery still remains popular.  It’s a classic outdoor sport that doesn’t require the stamina or athletic prowess of, say, soccer, but a… 阅读更多»

8 Million and Counting

< ![endif]–> According to the American Camping Association, 8 million children attend summer camp each summer in the United States. Will your child be one of them? 50 days (give or take a few) until the start of Summer 2013!

Learning to Be Resilient at Summer Camp

The guest blog this week was originally posted to the Camp Starlight blog on April 17, 2013. Resilience is the ability to adapt quickly to change or bounce back from setbacks.  In addition to the many benefits available to a child who attends summer camp, one that proves invaluable for many years afterward is gaining… 阅读更多»

The Value of Summer Camp to Teenage Campers

From the rituals they lead to open camp on the first night until the moment they say teary farewells to their final summers, summer camp plays as significant a role in older campers’ lives as they play in carrying on its traditions.  There are a lot of camp articles that sing the praises of summer… 阅读更多»

Bug Juice…Not Here!

The guest blog this week comes to us from Camps Laurel and Laurel South and explains how America’s Finest Summer Camps are dispelling some old myths about camp food: The sugary drink made from mysterious powder – a fruit punch with no resemblance to real fruit – may be the only “food” generations of summer… 阅读更多»