Tag: American summer camps

The Importance of Being Creative

Arts and Crafts at summer camp is more than just stringing together a few beads to make a bracelet or gluing some spray painted macaroni to a cardboard picture frame.  It’s a program that gives campers the opportunity to explore their creative interests in several different types of art by offering a diverse array of… 続きを読む »

Taking One for the Team

They’re a staple of summer camp lore…Color Wars, although some camps prefer less confrontational terms, such as “Olympics”, “College Days” “Tribal”, or “Challenge”.   They’re steeped in tradition and every American summer camp has one, a competition usually held toward the end of the summer that, over multiple days, splits the camp into two teams… 続きを読む »

Come Rain or Come Shine…

Do you ever wonder what happens at camp when it rains?  We assure you, it’s nothing like those scenes in movies that depict bummed out campers forced to spend entire days in their cabins or bunks .  Typically, it doesn’t rain all that often in the northeast during the summer and, whenever possible, activities proceed… 続きを読む »

Where in the World are America’s Finest Summer Camps? Part I

Have you ever wondered where, exactly, are American summer camps?  What are the towns like?  Is there anything worth a look besides the camp?  The answer is YES!  America’s Finest Summer Camps are located in some of the most beautiful and historical areas of the U.S. and the surrounding regions are often overflowing with plenty… 続きを読む »

“Sports Camp” Isn’t Just a One Sport Term

It’s no secret that summer camps offer campers the opportunity to sample many different sports, but what may not be evident is why this may be preferable to sending children to a camp at which the focus is exclusively on one sport.  Dr. Jared Wood, a sports psychologist, believes children should be encouraged to try… 続きを読む »

Reflections of a Senior Camper

For parents, deciding when, or even if, to send your children to summer camp–whether it’s for a few weeks or seven–is a big decision.  They’re young.  You wonder if they’ll remember to brush their teeth or make their beds.  You want to know that they’re going to make friends and have fun every moment of… 続きを読む »

S’ouvrir au Monde

En tant que parents, on nous incite souvent à préparer nos enfants à un monde nouveau et « global ». Alors que certains expliquent que les fondements des interactions mondiales trouvent leurs origines dans les siècles passés, les technologies électroniques et de transport actuelles rendent les individus à travers le monde encore plus reliés et interdépendants. Ainsi,… 続きを読む »

A Special Place for Girls and Boys

For older campers, one of the most profound and lasting advantages of camp is the opportunity they have to focus on being boys and girls.  Many summer camps also strengthen the safety of the camp setting by offering exclusive programs that help teenage campers gain a better understanding about how to best grasp the transition… 続きを読む »

Sing, Sing a Song

There is something about singing that brings people together.  Perhaps that’s why singing (and music in general) is such an important part of camp.  The silly or sometimes sentimental words of a “camp song” can set a mood, evoke a feeling, and create atmosphere.  Music is a universal language that everyone understands.  Perhaps this is… 続きを読む »

Crazy Days and Whacky Nights

Parents, do you ever log onto your computer to check out the camp photos for the day, see your child painted in blue from head to toe or maybe wearing a crazy wig and big nerdy glasses and wonder, ‘What in the world?’  The answer probably has something to do with your summer camp’s special… 続きを読む »