Tag: summer camp

Running Off the Energy of Camp

There is a buzz, an excitement, and an energy that you can feel in their air every morning when you wake up at camp. It’s a feeling that puts an extra pep in your step before your feet even hit the floor. Even camp staff and counselors who regularly need coffee to function admit to… 자세히보기 »

Camp Can Increase a Child’s Communication Skills and Why That Matters

  Dear America’s Finest Summer Camps,   I wanted to write to personally thank every camp counselor, director, and anyone else who was responsible for the incredible camp experience my daughter had over the summer. My daughter Kelsey wasn’t like other young teenager girls her age when it came to the communication department. Other moms… 자세히보기 »

How Camp Makes You Confident – Not Arrogant

The first time they arrive at camp, campers may feel anything but confident. Everything is new, people they don’t know surround them, and they aren’t quite sure what to expect. But as the days go by, they are constantly exposed to new experiences, adventures and activities that push them out of their comfort zones. They… 자세히보기 »

Camp de la Famille

Looking for some more Family Time? Sign up for one of our Family Camps this summer! Donner l’occasion à votre enfant de faire l’expérience d’un camp d’été, voilà un souvenir qu’il chérira le reste de sa vie. Mais pourquoi pas monter d’un cran ? Pourquoi n’offrez-vous pas à toute votre FAMILLE l’occasion de vivre une expérience… 자세히보기 »

The Beauty of Camp

Chelsea takes the subway to school every morning. Justin spends his weekends hanging out downtown with his buddies. Evan can walk to movie theaters, restaurants, and museums from the apartment where he lives. These city kids spend most of their year surrounded by concrete, honking horns and tall buildings. And that is why they, like… 자세히보기 »

The Importance of “Rest Hour”

Fact: At camp, you are “go, go go.” From the moment you wake up, your schedule is packed with things to do. Some days you’re out at the lake all day, other days you are singing, dancing, acting, crafting and creating from the moment you open your eyes until you fall asleep. Your days are… 자세히보기 »

I Return to America’s Finest Summer Camps Because…

My older brother started going to camp when he was younger, and I remember picking him up from the bus up at the end of the summer each year and being so excited to hear about all of the things he got to do. I was beyond excited when it was finally my turn to… 자세히보기 »

The Physical Health Benefits of Summer Camp

There are quite a few things that have seen rapid growth over the last several years, including Justin Bieber’s popularity,  SnapChat and Disney’s Frozen. However, there is something that is taking over America’s youth at a frightening speed, and it’s not as light and fluffy as Elsa or The Biebs; it’s childhood obesity. Childhood obesity… 자세히보기 »

Camp and Compromise

Growing up as an only child has many perks. I was always the focus on my parents’ attention, I had all of my own stuff, own space, and when a family decision had to be made, I always felt like my opinion was heard and, more often than not, given serious consideration. Sure, there were… 자세히보기 »