‘Twas the night before camp and all through the land,
The day many had awaited for months was at hand.
The bags were all packed and sent off to camp,
The envelopes and stationary pre-addressed and stamped.
Of their new campers the counselors wondered,
Of how awesome it will be to meet them, they pondered.
The cabins were ready, the beds assigned.
Welcome signs for the morning, carefully aligned.
The Directors and Senior staff feverishly prepared,
For all of the campers who soon would be there.
The campers, they slept hardly a wink,
That they would soon be with their camp friends was all they could think.
Moms and dads sat together working through lists,
Careful to make sure there was nothing they’d missed
Sing-alongs, special activities, and the opening night show,
The countdown was almost over, it was nearly ready-set-go.
In the morning, there would be lots of cheerful well wishes,
Before the campers boarded buses and planes for a summer sure to be auspicious.
The parents would wave as the campers rolled out of sight,
And assure each other, “They’ll be alright.”
Soon summer camp would come alive,
As buses full of campers began to arrive.
Some hugs, laughter, and maybe a cheer,
The summer of 2011 would finally be here.
And as the first day of camp turns into the first night,
A happy to summer to all, and may every day excite!