How the ropes courses at camp helped me conquer my fears!


High and Low ropes courses are designed to create a very special moment: that split second where you have a choice between doing the thing that’s challenging, and doing the thing that’s easy; and you choose the thing that’s challenging.

Someone watching a ropes course in action might be tempted to think it’s all fun and games — and it’s true that ropes activities are a blast. However, regardless of the skill level of a particular ropes challenge, ropes courses are all about the skill being taught as much as the fun of the challenges themselves.

Challenging fear

Any hard skill like tying a knot or climbing a wall comes with “soft” skills like trust, courage, and determination. One of the main focuses of high ropes activities is dealing with fear. There’s a saying that “the only thing you have to fear is fear itself.” For many of the things we’re scared of in life, it’s absolutely true.

The thing is, the difference between understanding that something is possible and stepping up to try it is a huge challenge. Ropes courses are about taking on that challenge, and that’s why they are so central to America’s Finest Summer Camps programs.

If you’ve ever jumped off a zip-line platform, you know what I’m talking about. You understand that it’s safe. But climbing up there and taking that leap is still ridiculously scary.

…But of course you jump, because it’s mind over matter — and you know the ride will be well worth the effort!

Trusting your team

Once a camper has conquered their fears, the next step is learning to trust their peers. Where low ropes courses get really interesting is the teamwork activities. Conquering your fear of heights is one thing, but depending on a friend to help you is a different game altogether.

Once you can believe in your peers enough to let them help you walk across a plank or wire, it’s a simple step to trusting them to help you in less tangible ways in the real world — and to be ready to help others when they need your guidance.

Working together

Last but not least, the most important message of ropes courses is the incredible things you can accomplish by working together.

Low ropes challenges push campers to use their words to communicate their vision for how to succeed in a detailed, practical way. After all, making it across an “acid river” is impossible if you can’t assign leadership and delegate tasks. Conquering the spiders web is out of the question if even one camper is in the dark about the big picture, and that means crystal clear camper communication.

Hey, that sounds just like the skills you need in the real world, doesn’t it? Well, that’s the idea! High and Low ropes courses build skills for both mind and body — and you don’t even notice, since the activities themselves are so exciting.